[asterisk-biz] - Trying to register (Zeeshan Zakaria)‏

Fred Posner fred at teamforrest.com
Thu Jun 24 16:16:42 CDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Calleasy BsAS <sisint2005 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> [snipped, hugely]
> i appologize for extesion  :-) , but if it could help .
> Marcos

I posted an example on using this with perl... the idea was to make a
chain called asterisk:

iptables -N asterisk
iptables -A INPUT -j asterisk
iptables -A FORWARD -j asterisk

then, just add anyone you would like to that chain:

iptables -I asterisk -s IPADDRESSHERE -j DROP

this way you have some idea of reason for dropping, etc.

The script is posted here:


Unless you're accepting inbound SIP from any host worldwide, you may
want to disallow all and add just the isp's you need. Although (for
example) opening your sip to all of let's say comcast isn't great,
it's better than opening it to the entire world if you don't have a
reason for it.


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