[asterisk-biz] Utilize SS7 access
Niels Tougaard
njt at netfors.com
Thu Apr 22 08:38:48 CDT 2010
Utilize SS7 access
VoIP - and Call Center Operators can utilize business possibilities in
access to Mobile Operators SS7 network with use of Netfors SS7 products.
Netfors solutions extending business by integrating Asterisk solutions and
Mobile communication are ready for implementation.
Investments and experience in Asterisk facilities can be utilized for
expanding business with SMS and USSD facilities for bulk employee / customer
messaging, employee polls, marketing campaigns and similar activities
addressing mobile users. Further information on
Expensive VoIP and Call Center calls to Mobile Users outside the coverage
area of their own Operator, abroad or in another region, can be avoided.
Personnel and investments in Call Center facilities can be utilized
expanding business with marketing campaigns, polls and similar activities by
addressing mobile users with SMS and USSD facilities. You find more
information on http://www.netfors.com/solution_call_center
The scalable Netfors SMSC / USSD system architecture makes it possible for
Incumbents, Entry Operators and service providers to select features,
performance and robustness that fit into their needs. Netfors installed SMSC
base is currently delivering more than 1500 mio SMS/month. This figure is
expected to more than double within the next 6 months.
We look forward for your visit on our company web site and a following
dialog around possibilities.
Netfors is a contributor to the Asterisk open source community providing
Chan_SS7 for SS7 interconnection.
Best regards
Niels Tougaard
Sales and marketing manager, Netfors
Mobile: +45 40408531
MSNid: njt at netfors.com
Gtalk: <mailto:njt at netfors.com> njt at netfors.com
Skype: n.j.tougaard
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