[asterisk-biz] Fwd: Asterisk CCM, CME Integration

Arun Kumar arunvoip at gmail.com
Thu May 21 03:28:10 CDT 2009

Hi All,

please provide some help.

I'm just posting this questions to both forums as its related to both. In
hope to get some help on below issue:

Asterisk 1.4.x
CCM = 4.x
CME = 4.x
codec = g711ulaw

Here is my setup:

600X Phones ----> Asterisk ---- SIP Trunk ----> Call Manager -----> CME
-----> 461X Phones

461X Phones ----> CME -----> my dial peer points to Asterisk IP for 600X

so in the above setup I'm able to call from Asterisk to my CME and

here is my problem: when I call from 6004 to my cme extension 4615, on 4615
I've configured noans timeout to 15 and then it goes to my unity express
(cue) for voicemail so when I call my cme extension it rings for few seconds
and then on my asterisk cli I see "500 Internal Server Error" back from my
CCM IP and getting standard asterisk message saying "all circuits are busy
now" . as per my understanding it should go to my cue.

please advise and let me know if you need any other details.

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