[asterisk-biz] {Disarmed} Re: OT: Re: Must sell Digium Inventory

SIP sip at arcdiv.com
Thu Jan 22 12:24:40 CST 2009

voicein wrote:
> Why not .25 steve your so interested in everything, why don't you
> start posting your political spam again, you must be the king of it
> all I see is your posts.

That sentence was one incredible train wreck of hideousness.

If you're going to try flaming a rather regular poster on the mailing
list, one who's simply suggested that a more reasonable course of action
when posting a "For Sale" ad would be to post the price, you might try
and take it to private email, instead of showing the world what an
illiterate, and untrustworthy bumbler you actually are.

First rule of business: you never have a second chance to make a good
first impression.  You, sir, have made bad first, second, third, and
fourth impressions. Anyone foolish enough to do business with you now
deserves the shafting he's liable to receive.


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