[asterisk-biz] Why so many children have been killed in Irasel bomb attack

Trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Tue Jan 6 22:38:48 CST 2009

I dont quite see the connection to asterisk, telephony, or business in
this post.  Could someone explain why its relevant to this list?

On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 12:22 +0800, Andy Spring wrote:
> I have seen there are so many Palestine children have been killed in
> the Irasel-Palestine collide from the news, I am so sad about this, 
Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
pgp key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8AE5C721

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