[asterisk-biz] Fwd: Nortel BCM - Call Accounting Interface?

Alex Bell voicesense at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 07:39:12 CST 2009

I thought I'd sent to this list to for any suggestions.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Bell <voicesense at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 5:57 AM
Subject: Nortel BCM - Call Accounting Interface?
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion <
asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>

 Dear List,
      Need to know if anyone on this list has had any experience with using
the Nortel BCM 50 for Call Account Reporting using an IP connection to a
Linux / Asterisk interface? Presently, I have a BCM 50 installed that uses a
local Lenova Small Form Factor PC with a windows XP / os that quit reporting
because of a up-grade to the Nortel reporting software. Nortel support is
now telling me that my PC needs to be up-graded for it to work with the
newly patched reporting software. Nortel as far as I know is a Windows only
shop and uses IIS and a utility to pull the data stream out of the BCM and
into the local pc that uses MSSql. What I'm looking to accomplish is use a
virtual machine running * and MySql to pull the call data. I'm aware that
Nortel use proprietary sw, but was wondering if any Nortel Guru on the list
has had any luck using * and a 3rd party call accounting software to share?

 Thanks for any help, suggestions or directions on where to find help you
can provide.
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