[asterisk-biz] MagicJack

Nitzan Kon nk3569 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 22 02:43:20 CDT 2008

--- Seysan <AFShin9 at gmail.com> wrote:

> There is no SPAM on their Program,


If you read their Terms of Service you will see they specifically say
that they will run advertisements over the software. It makes sense
too, since they need a way to make money off of this thing. $40 for the
device and $20 for the second year will not come even close to covering
the expenses.

For those of you thinking about running it via Linux, Asterisk, etc.
Even assuming you succeed in doing it, they are very likely to have a
problem with that since you bring no ad revenue in. I don't know if
they have the means to detect that now, but I'm sure they will
eventually if many people try to work around having to use their ad
platform.. I mean, software.

Nitzan Kon, CEO
Future Nine Corporation

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