[asterisk-biz] FW: Voip users conference call tomorrow Friday the 13th, 12 noon USA EST (-4 gmt)

Dean Collins Dean at cognation.net
Thu Jun 12 13:49:30 CDT 2008

Hi Biz list (note not users list as this is a commercial related post
:-) ),


I just wanted to give you a quick heads up that I'm going to be speaking
on the Voip users conference call tomorrow Friday the 13th, 12 noon USA
EST (-4 gmt)


The indial number will be +1-724-444-7444

Call ID 22622

Download the real time chat client at Talkshoe
(http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/22622) or log in using IRC
#voip-users-conference on freenode.net


Tomorrow I'm going to be talking about the new Vdex-40 ip-pbx appliance
<http://www.taa.com/products-vdex-40.html>  from www.TAA.com
<http://www.taa.com/>  . I've been playing with this unit for the last
few weeks and I think it's got some really nice aspects for a
'mainstream' non geek asterisk solution.


This is the first Asterisk appliance to have dual cpu's. This along with
flash memory storage and hardware based codec's and echo cancellation, 4
FXO ports directly built in (e.g. connection for regular telephone
lines) and SIP support for up to 6 voip providers and 35 SIP extensions
makes it quiet and dependable solution to implement Asterisk into any
small to medium business.


For those of you on the list that are commercial voip
dealers/distributors there is a limited number of "not for resale" in
house-demo units available at 40% off rrp. Please don't pass this URL to
end clients but details and requirements can be found at


If you want to purchase/install vdex-40 units for your own clients and
are in the USA/Canada then go to this form
http://www.taa.com/dealer_application.html and the TAA guys will get in
touch with you, the sooner you get listed on the TAA Dealer List the
better as they are farming out all retail enquires to their dealer list
depending on original location of the end user query.


If you have any questions feel free to forward them to TAA sales guys at
vdexsales at taa.com but otherwise look forward to talking with on
tomorrows call. 


Also if you cant make tomorrows call it will be available as a mp3 from
http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/22622 about 24 hours after the call (you
should also browse through some of the other past calls as well, eg. I
also ran this talk back on May 9th





Dean Collins
dean at cognation.net <mailto:dean at cognation.net>  

+1-212-203-4357 (Direct) 
+1-917-207-3420 (Mobile)
+61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial)
http://www.Cognation.net <http://www.Cognation.net/profile> 


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