[asterisk-biz] Any Cellular Phone Related Businesses in Canada Interested in Call Transfers?

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Jul 29 20:12:02 CDT 2008

I have a phone number that has erroneously been published by one of
the larger cell phone companies in Canada.  The only issue is that the
line is for delinquent accounts.

I get between 30-100 calls a day for that cellular company.  The
number itself is extremely memorable.  Instead of blocking Canadian
callers, I thought maybe someone on the list would be willing to pay
for these call transfers.

I see an ideal candidate for this idea being in the prepaid cellular
biz, debt consolidation, credit, loans or whatever.

Just a thought, but I am sure these callers could be worth something,
rather than costing me time and money (although I look very popular
because my phone rings all the time.)

Steve Totaro

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