[asterisk-biz] Open letter to digium, asterisk developers and consultants

John Todd jtodd at digium.com
Tue Jul 29 17:40:25 CDT 2008

At 10:02 PM +0200 2008/7/29, Trixter aka Bret McDanel wrote:
>On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 13:21 -0400, David Boyd wrote:
>>  Hi John,
>>  Are there any updates to this thread. I have not seen any further
>>  response from Digium, in the last 45- 50 days, and therefore am
>>  wondering if there will be any additional response.
>I hope that I am not speaking out of turn here, but I was made aware of
>a new policy that addressed some of the issues, because it was not a
>real policy but rather a *proposed* policy change digium did not want
>the details of that getting out into the open and causing confusion over
>which is the real policy (hint the real policy is always posted on their
>website).  That was June 12, since that time I havent heard anything,
>but have no right to have heard what I did, so I have no idea if
>anything progressed beyond rephrasing some of the conditions.
>I know they worked on it, I do not know if they finished it.  I checked
>their website, and it appears to be the same (a version number or at
>least last modified date would be really handy on the policy pages so
>people can tell if it was modified from their last review more easily).

We had created a series of changes that clarified some of the 
trademark policy in the existing document.  I had discussed with 
Brett, and I had also tried reaching a few others in the community 
who had expressed interest in the trademark policy in the past.  Due 
to an increasing lag in communications time and the press of other 
tasks, this issue hasn't seen much activity or comment internally or 
externally in some time.  I believe that the clarifications we 
created will create a better sense of usage for the trademark and 
allow people to more comfortably use the terms in their documents, 
projects, or descriptions.  We'll go ahead and publish the pending 
version today or tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay on this; we actually had the revisions done with 
decent speed (a few days) but the comments phase got drawn out longer 
than I had hoped.


John Todd
jtodd at digium.com        +1-256-428-6083
Asterisk Open Source Community Director

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