[asterisk-biz] Looking for Canadian calling card DID's

Sandeep Kanao iitt2007 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 10:37:04 CST 2008

This is an interesting scenario, US DID with 20 channels (didsale) are @8.99
(no limit, no surharge per min) each. We are looking for Canadian DIDs with
at least 5 channels, but some how the dollar (compared to US DIDs and
Canadian counterparts) value doesn't match. Many of the Canadian DID
providers are offering Canadian DIDs with $5 and extra channels for $20 to
$30 per month.
I am missing anything here? Any one could suggest a cheaper deal like
didsale for Canadian DIDs?
List of cities we need Canadian DIDs are :
New Market
Toll Free DID Canada/USA
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