[asterisk-biz] GSM Gateway / Wireless Terminal GSM 850/900/1800/1900/UMTS(3G) From £39.99 only

Alexander Lopez Alex.Lopez at OpSys.com
Sat Apr 19 10:09:26 CDT 2008

Just for the record [ I != Steve ] , we just seem to think alike on Spam Issues.... :-)

Steve's Post:
Spam post test:
1.  Does it relate to Asterisk somehow? (Yes, continue.  No, spam) 2.  Are you posting the same thing repeatedly? (Yes, spam.  No, continue) 3.  Are you collecting email addresses and emailing people directly?
(Yes, spam.  No, Continue)


My Post:
1 Excessive Posting, once in a while is OK but all the time is not welcome.
2 Posts were made to the -users list instead of the -biz list.
3 Email addresses were harvested and emails were sent directly to members of the list.

Scary!!  (Bring in Twilight Zone Theme)

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