[asterisk-biz] "on-net" dialplans

Alistair Cunningham acunningham at integrics.com
Fri Apr 4 14:25:04 CDT 2008

Chris Bagnall wrote:
> Greetings list,
> As many of us on the list operate networks with large numbers of otherwise unconnected customers, I thought I'd canvass opinion on how you number your customers for "internal" calls between them.
> There have been some attempts in recent years to simplify this with things like ITAD/Freenum (http://freenum.org/) and probably plenty of others. What sort of market penetration have those schemes achieved?
> What do you do in your network in terms of allowing calls between clients without dialling the full e164 number?
> Regards,
> Chris


In Enswitch (at least in the default configuration), users can dial 
other users' SIP accounts directly, but in our experience only a very 
tiny fraction choose to do so, and almost all users choose to dial the 
full PSTN number, even though it's simply looped back within the system. 
We haven't done any research to find out why, but I suspect it's simply 
down to customers not being aware of which other customers are on the 
same system and/or the effort of remembering both a DID and an internal 
number. I'd therefore say at this point that schemes to publish internal 
numbers are not worth the effort.

Alistair Cunningham
+1 888 468 3111
+44 20 799 39 799
sip:acunningham at integrics.com

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