[asterisk-biz] Manners (was: Re: "Whats New at Digium the Asterisk Company")

Alex Pilosov alex at pilosoft.com
Wed Nov 14 16:24:54 CST 2007

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007, Brent Wagner wrote:

> For what it's worth: I won't do business with Alex, because his comment
> was juvenile. And, yes, there has been a pattern of mistreatment of
> homosexuals for a long, long time. And yes, it seems about as bad ( to
> me, at least ) as mistreating someone due to race.  But, we're each
> entitled to our own opinions and actions in response.  So, like I said,
> I won't deal with Alex. Not because I believe that he's a homophobe, or
> a racist, but because I don't believe that a comment like the one made
> by him is remotely mature or professional.  By the way, I'm about as
> conservative as they come. Your assertion that condemning pejoratives is
> somehow liberal is silly.
Awesome. For the record, I won't do business with you, or any other clown
from the list - not because I think you are racist or homophobic, but
because you lack basic sense of humour and professionalism.

So, hey, Matthew, next time you go postin' here looking for anyone with
Asterisk clue in NYC - good luck with that!


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