[asterisk-biz] Anybody know how to get a response from SellVoIP.net?

Mark Holm markh at infoarch.com
Tue May 8 00:19:31 MST 2007

Glad to see you are still amongst the living. I don't generally use the
Lite Portal as there is still some functionality in the Old one that I
can't get to in the Lite one. I have been in and out of it for the last
4 weeks though and this is the first time I have seen those names there.
That said, as stated in my original message and in the new ticket I
placed this afternoon (still no response there) I did try and convert
over to using the new names as found in the FAQ (which also match up
with the portal). All 4 of those names are also timing out just like the
static IPs. I'm not even getting a response back from your systems.
These are older accounts attempting to register a  TrixBox PBX, and
setup using your TrixBox plug-in. They worked up until you moved
everything and now they don't. 
The account I am fighting first is: 8616010000000003 against static IP
address (mine)
Even a hint at the problem would be great. This whole fiasco has
completely destroyed our credibility about how good VoIP is, since we
can't even get our own office numbers worked out.
P.S. Any chance that your own published number will start working any
time soon so I could have a direct call with support?


From: Jed Stafford [mailto:jeds at bluecorporate.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 5:28 PM
To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
Cc: helpdesk
Subject: Re: [asterisk-biz] Anybody know how to get a response from

The DNS entries are provided on the main page of the portal login. 


On May 7, 2007, at 5:12 PM, Mark Holm wrote:

	I have been trying to get help on this from Jed or anybody Since
April 4 when all my accounts went down. I followed all the instructions
that Jed sent out for requesting the DID move, but NEVER received a
message stating the new server names that should be used for registering
with the new servers. I just noticed this afternoon that the FAQ section
on their web site has a new list of names on it now that they say to use
to check access speed with. Are those the names we should also be
registering with? I tried plugging them into my setup, but am still not
getting registration.

	Mean while all of my inbound numbers continue to give the
message "You have reached a non-working number" when called. I have
tried calling them, but their original number gave the same non-working
number message also, and now it says you have to use area code 253
instead of 206, but that number also comes back with non-working number
messages as well. How are you supposed to contact a company that is
supposedly "still in business", but who's main published line doesn't
work and doesn't respond to trouble tickets?

	I currently have 7 outstanding tickets in their system, 4 marked
CRITICAL that range from requests for help to please for assistance, and
have yet to receive ANY response from ANYBODY at SellVoIP. I even went
so far as to report them to the Oregon PUC, but they can't reach them


	If you are still lurking on this listserver, can you PLEASE let
us (me specifically) know: 

	1) How to contact you or your support team in a manner that will
get an answer? 
	2) How to get a copy of the mystery email stating that Static IP
addresses were changing to DNS names and what they should be changed to?
Better yet, what should the correct SIP settings for a server with a
static address?

	3) Baring getting it working again, What is needed to facilitate
a number port from your system and get a refund of the moneys sitting in
my accounts on your system.

	Hopefully you can sense my frustration on this. We've been with
you for almost 2 years and were a supporter until now. Help me be a
supporter again!?!


	Mark A. Holm 
	InfoArch, Inc.                                  
	7456 SW Baseline, PMB#123.         Office: (503) 943-3202 
	Hillsboro, OR 97123                        Fax:    (503)
	http://www.infoarch.com <http://www.infoarch.com>
<mailto:markh at infoarch.com <mailto:markh at infoarch.com> > 

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