[asterisk-biz] RE: Software Echo Canceller for Asterisk Available Now

Juan Carlos Valero jcvalero at capatres.com
Wed Mar 14 11:18:22 MST 2007

El mié, 14-03-2007 a las 13:33 -0500, Steve Totaro escribió:
> Besides being spammed by this company, does anyone have positive (or
> negative) experiences to share about their product?

Our company has tested this canceller, and is very good. Excuse my very
bad english. SoftECHO is capable of cancel the echoes that MG2 can not

Un saludo,

Juan Carlos Valero

 Capa Tres Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L.                      Barcelona
 Visita nuestra página web en:                 http://www.capatres.com
                           Telef/Fax: 935605424

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