[asterisk-biz] Help Beta Test My Kannel Setup (USA Only)

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Wed Jun 27 10:23:24 CDT 2007

Hello list,

I have a sort of unusual need and offer.  I have setup an SMS gateway 
and need to test it more than just sending hundreds of SMSs to a few 
phones (which works flawlessly). 

I am looking for an established and reputable company that could use my 
gateway for three weeks to a month and generate significant usage for 
benchmarking, load testing, and tuning.  After that time, the service 
will end.  There will be no charge for the usage of the gateway and also 
no guarantee that it will be 100% up and functional the whole time. 

What I am not looking for is anyone that plans on using this for spam or 
any other similar activities.  I am also not looking for low volume.  I 
am attempting to qualify volume with the current setup but bursts (not 
constant) of several hundred or even a thousand (plus) messages would be 
ideal for testing.  This offer is for one or possibly two companies that 
meet the requirements.

SMSs will be monitored to ensure that the system is not being abused so 
spam or sensitive data should not even be considered.  Any spamming will 
immediately get you blacklisted.

Delivery reporting will be available on request.

If anyone is interested in helping me test and meet the above 
requirements, please *email* me directly.

Steve Totaro

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