[asterisk-biz] Re: Verizon Interconnection

Steve Totaro stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com
Tue Jun 12 19:49:13 CDT 2007

> > The point that you make about lurking until you have more knowledge
> > not posting would seem to be an oxymoron since without asking
> > you typically don't learn.
> >
> there is also a difference between asking say google and asking a
> list.  Trying to learn on your own before going to others can be a
> valid way to learn.  Reading books, looking at resources where others
> have asked similar questions, experimentation, etc are all valid ways
> to learn.
> --
> Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
> Belfast +44 28 9099 6461        US +1 516 687 5200
> http://www.trxtel.com the phone company that pays you!

I find a great way to answer a question that stumps me is to draft an
email to the list.  During the process of writing the email, I define
the problem in words rather than whatever concept I have in my head.
Then I clarify the problem further so that any responses will be more on
target with the problem I am facing.  Finally, I list the things I have
tried and the outcome, results, and logs.

Guess what?  I usually answer my own question before I can hit send.
The reason why is because I am indirectly following the steps of
troubleshooting a problem.


Steve Totaro

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