[asterisk-biz] Better ITSP Bureau

Mark C mark at coccimiglio.net
Sat Jul 14 13:18:03 CDT 2007

Charles Vance wrote:

> You can't sue me if I have stated the truth, and opinion is not 
> subject to either slander of libel. I think the "amazon" review style 
> works. It's just an opinion and the reader can take it or leave it.

Actually.... I can.  Doesn't mean that I'd win, but I can still sue, 
make you spend lots of money, waste your time and be in general a 
nuisance.  Then force you to settle out of court because it will cost 
you much less then a long drawn-out legal battle and win my position and 
set legal precedence.  Don't believe me  then go ask a farmer about his 
seed provider.  Just food for thought.

Oh by the way Vance, when you reply to the list please do not quote the 
entire digest. 

Mark C.

Mark Coccimiglio
Coccimiglio Industries
mark at coccimiglio.net

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