[asterisk-biz] UK Origination - Conf call bridge

Tim H. Panton tim at zimbra.westhawk.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 07:59:06 MST 2007

If you already have the hardware in place for the ISDN 30
I think you should go back to your supplier and 
try and get them to reduce the fee - it is almost certainly
flexible - especially if you sign-up for a year or 2.

You will end up with better quality calls and it will
probably be cheaper than VOIP if you factor in the bandwidth costs
for 20 calls.

Of course this depends on the usage patterns, if
you are hosting a single 1 hour call per month,
then you might be better off putting a box in a 
hosting center on a Mb/month tarrif and using a
good ITSP.

----- Original Message -----
From: Graham Shroll <gmshroll at synteraction.com>
To: asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 5:37:37 AM GMT-0800 US/Pacific
Subject: [asterisk-biz] UK Origination - Conf call bridge


I’m looking for some advice on an ITSP to replace ISDN30.. 

I have a requirement for 20 ‘lines’ coming in to our Asterisk server for meetme conference calling (with some integration into the IVR for other features) 
The requirement is a straight swap from ISDN30 to SIP – to allow 20 people to dial in at the same time. 

Initially I am looking for a provider of UK PSTN origination to SIP or IAX.  Will this be cheaper than getting more channels provisioned on the PRI? (this is ~£45 / channel I believe) 
Termination is not a requirement for the moment.  Also, one DDI is all we need. 

The ‘small business’ offerings don’t seem to mention the number of concurrent calls that can be supported.. or a way of provisioning more than one on one DDI. 

Apologies for lack of understanding here – any information greatly received! 



Graham.shroll at project-network.com 

Westhawk Ltd Company no: 1769350 
Registered Office: 15 London Road, Stockton Heath, Warrington, WA4 6SJ. UK. 

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