[asterisk-biz] VoIP Application Hosting

Glenn Campbell wcampbell at netstarsolutions.com
Sat Feb 10 18:45:32 MST 2007

Say I wanted to host an application server that runs Asterisk and a few
custom programs.  Where would I need to setup my dedicated server if I were
using an IAX or SIP trunk to process the calls.  I am looking at leasing a
dedicated server at theplanet.com for my server.  Is this not what I want to

Right now, I use a 2xT1 circuit at my office for VoIP, but I am looking for
an offsite solution.  (Let someone else manage the server, and I will manage
the applications).

Can someone point me in the direction that I need to go?  Typically, what
does a service like this cost per month.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

W. Glenn Campbell
wcampbell at netstarsolutions.com
Netstar Solutions LLC.
(270) 908.0057

* Watch for our new VoIP Products @ http://www.pbxstar.com
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