[asterisk-biz] Port Your Numbers to DIDX

Peter Beckman beckman at angryox.com
Thu Aug 2 21:44:52 CDT 2007

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Alexander Lopez wrote:

> They keep Running by Every week incrementing your DID by a random
> number.
> Orifices tend to go back to near-original size after about a year

  I have to admit, there has been a lot of DIDx bashing going on on this
  list, and I hesitated trying them.

  I purchased a Puerto Rico DID from DIDx a few weeks back.  The DID didn't
  work.  I used a test DID, and it didn't work either.  I contacted DIDx,
  both via support and directly through Rehan.  Rehan and Ahsan jumped on
  Skype and did a lot to test and try to figure out the issue.  Ahsan
  brought in Muneeb to help troubleshoot.

  After a few hours, they fixed it, and it was working, both the PR DID and
  the test did.  Same day service, I was happy.

  The next day it broke again.

  It's been broke ever since.  I've contacted Muneeb and Ahsan via Skype
  twice, and all they say is "we've contacted the vendor" and "we've left
  voicemail" and "it could take a while."

  I'm sitting here with a DID that doesn't work, paying $13/month for
  nothing.  Now granted, it may be working right now, but since I last had
  DIDx working on it, they have not contacted me to tell me that it is now
  working, so I assume it is still broken.

  The guys and DIDx mean well, and are really nice and friendly, but I have
  to agree with the bashing of DIDx and it's other DID sites -- it's kind of
  a crapshoot if your DID will work or continue to work on an ongoing basis
  with DIDx.  I'm basing this on my own experience and the general sense I
  get from people posting to this list.  It's disappointing that DIDx can't
  do a better job of managing their vendors, or do a better job of
  proactively testing DIDs so they know about problems before we the
  customers see them.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/
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