[asterisk-biz] International DID providers with APIs

Peter Beckman beckman at purplecow.com
Fri Apr 6 10:26:10 MST 2007

On Fri, 6 Apr 2007, Rehan Allah Wala wrote:

>> On Fri, 6 Apr 2007, Rehan Allah Wala wrote:
>>> What are the problems you are having with support?
>>   I've asked several times to do interop testing only in the US, not to an
>>   871 number in the UK that costs me $0.50-$1.00/minute, and every time it
>>   is refused.
> Sorry, But how is that a Support Issue?

  It's very inflexible; I'm not the only one who requested it, and it seems
  arbitrary rather than reasonable.  Alternatively, you could give me a UK
  number that cost $0.02/minute to call instead of a US-equivalent 900
  number in the UK.

>>   I've asked about how calls are routed and gotten no response.
> The calls are routed to you via SIP or IAX2

  Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  How are they routed from a 3rd party to me.
  IE if the 3rd party is in California, the calls are routed to you, then
  re-routed to me, even if I am in California.  Assuming they go to Florida,
  it adds a significant amount of delay, as well as yet another point in the
  chain of service that could break.  I am basing this on what others have
  said, I'm happy to hear how calls are routed via DIDx from sellers to

>>> 2. The person who is complaining had his did's not working due to his
>>> NON PAYMENT, and it was for 5 hrs,
>>   That is precisely what I do not want in a provider.  If I've paid my bill
>>   on time for months/years, and then for some reason a single credit card
>>   charge fails, to turn off all my DIDs is horrible and unacceptable to my
>>   business.
> Right, So you need to make sure, that you have funds in your account at all times.

  Or if my credit card company does something screwey for a few hours, then
  my business is hosed because of your billing practices.

  I'm not saying you shouldn't do it that way, I'm saying the way you do
  handle billing is another reason that prevents me from using DIDx.

>>   Like Andrew mentioned above, it might be ideal for hobby use, but I can't
>>   build a business around a company that will disconnect all my DIDs for a
>>   failed credit card charge, once.
>>> We refund 100% when it does not work for 3 days in a row.
>>   But if you shut off 500 DIDs because a single credit card charge fails,
>>   and then I get it re-activated, you do not compensate for that outage.
>>   Again, I cannot base an availability-based business on a vendor who will
>>   shut off my service so quickly.
> Any one who has 500 DID"S is a Prefered customer, and we DO NOT do this to them,
> Andrew has 11 did's in his account and pays for 9

  I looked on DIDx and I couldn't find any information that defines a
  Prefered customer, only a Platinum customer.  I couldn't find any
  information about what makes you a Platinum customer.  Do prefered
  customers NOT get billed in the way you mention above?  IE if I had 100
  DIDs through DIDx, would all my DIDs NOT get turned off if my credit card
  had problems?  At what level do I reach Prefered status?  Where is this
  documented on your website?

>>   I run a business, and I have to choose vendors who are flexible and
>>   understanding that their services are part of my success.  It has no
>>   bearing on you, just the way your services work, that I am choosing not to
>>   use DIDx.
> That is why I refered you to Phone2net.com as it is more geard towards people who do not
> want to be bothered with the stiff regulations on the DIDX.
> In Phone2net.com if you do not pay for 1 DID, your 1 DID gets disconnected, Just like you
> have it on VirtualPhoneLine.com On Phone2net.com we will refund you 100%
> of the money of that did for that month if it does not work for more than
> 4 hrs, in any given day.  The DID's are only Premium Quality and
> guranteed, and you get premium quality support.

  I did look at Phone2net.com originally, but the information about the
  services it provides was extremely minimal at best.  Can you explain more
  about phone2net, specifically:

     * How calls are routed from 3rd party sellers (phone2net service
       providers) to me?  Are they through phone2net or directly from the
       DID holder?
     * What's the difference between DIDx and phone2net?  Why would anyone
       use DIDx if the same services are available on phone2net with fewer
     * Is there an API available with phone2net?
     * How billing is done?  For each DID, does my credit card get charged?
       Do you operate on a prepaid model?

> Again, We clearify your policy and have made it over years, to imrpove
> the service for the Majority.
> I do not think there is any company in the world, which can satisfy 100%
> of the crowd.

  I agree, and maybe I'm not the right kind of customer.  I'm happy to
  investigate though, and appreciate your responses.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at purplecow.com                             http://www.purplecow.com/

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