[asterisk-biz] New Broadband Phone Service

Marnus van Niekerk m at mjvn.net
Thu Nov 2 23:21:00 MST 2006

> Somebody do the math correctly and answer my question. Then it will be
> an end-full debate.
Again, the math is simple, the average person will introduce somewhere 
between 0 and 10 members.  Nobody said that everybody will sign up 4 (or 
The important thing is that even if a member signs up NOBODY they still 
get a good product at the same or a better price they can get it 
somewhere else, which makes it value and thus NOT a pyramid.

Pyramids roll money, they sell nothing (of value) to the general public.
> If Ponzi changes his name to MLM, is he a completely different person?
Firstly, Ponzi sold nothing, just rolled money.  Pyramids normally 
"sell" a smokescreen.
There are some very good MLM's that have been around for decades.
We hope to become one of them.
> Does the means justify the end?
Yes, because in our advertising we pay for results, not pray for results :-)
It is just different advertsing.
> Does the end justify the means?

Paul, as I said there are two sides to this debate and from 8 years of 
experience with it I hold that the two sides can not be reconciled and 
will not convince each other no matter how long we debate it.

My purpose with the original post was to say "guys we are doing 
something with asterisk" and "if you are the MLM kind you might as well 
have a look".
If on the other hand you are on the other side (maybe because you got 
burned by a pyramid) then that's fine too.  Just take note that we are 
using asterisk for a commercial service and let it be.

As for the FTC, I am pretty sure at some point they will investigate us 
(as they do most MLM's) and we are also confident that we can show that 
we sell a very real consumer product at a very real market related price 
(using MLM).  We are not hiding anything from anybody, we are right out 
in the open saying what we do is MLM (see my earlier post where I said - 


Marnus van Niekerk

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