[asterisk-biz] VoicePulse engaged in very dubious businesspractices

Ron hotmail xsdcpk at hotmail.com
Wed May 31 15:43:55 MST 2006


so would it be ok if they (voicepulse)  send him (David) a bill in the mail? 
and shouldn't he pay it?

he used the service, now he has to pay 4 it..... sounds like he's trying to 
cloud the issue

about ripping of a service provider by saying 'look what these bastards did 
to me"

meanwhile he's the deadbeat who doesn't want to pay is bill.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andres" <andres at telesip.net>
To: "Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion" 
<asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [asterisk-biz] VoicePulse engaged in very dubious 

> VoIP Dealer wrote:
>> David,
>> You probably don't realize that you are posting a complaint about 
>> something that has happened to 75% of the people that read this list... 
>> not because they are customers, but because they are PROVIDERS.  Don't 
>> expect much sympathy when you left the account open and they continued to 
>> charge as expected.  If you don't tell your cable company you are moving, 
>> you OWE them money whether or not you live there anymore of if you 
>> "authorized" them.  You entered into a contract and are now complaining 
>> when they enforced the contract on you.
>> In the end, VoicePulse did the "right thing" from YOUR point of view, 
>> gave you a refund and returned $41 that was rightfully theirs, so I don't 
>> see what your complaint is at all.  Try to even get one of these one-man 
>> shops on the phone for a refund and see what happens.
> I still think its very wrong on the part of Voicepulse to go digging into 
> another account he had and use that credit card to charge the first 
> account.  If it was a mistake then so be it, but it sounds like a 
> deliberate attempt to change this guy no matter what.
> Andres.
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