[asterisk-biz] VoicePulse engaged in very dubious business practices

trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Wed May 31 14:47:12 MST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 22:32 +0200, Holger Ølholm - Transtech
Communication Solutions wrote:
> Dear Moshe,
> The rules clearly state that you are not allowed as a merchant or anyone else
> other than the credit card holder to use a credit card without the customer's
> permission.

But in this case he aparently gave authorization for them to use the
credit card to process his charges for service, which includes DIDs that
were active on his account.  It would be different if he had deleted
them all and they still billed him for it, or if he had called them to
cancel his account and they refused of otherwise failed to.  Unless the
contract had a term clause in it.  

If its a month to month contract and he has authorized them to make
recurring monthly charges for service they provided, they are within
their right to continue to bill his card.  Note most contracts only
require the vendor to provide the service, not that the service goes

I think that it is then questionable for someone to attempt to sway
public opinion away from a company simply becuase they did what he
agreed to, but decided after the fact he didnt want.

Had he filed a chargeback with his credit card company, it is likely
that they would have won given he couldnt prove the account was closed
(no documentation to support that he closed it since he infact did not)
and cancelation policies are typically looked at when a dispute arrises.
They most likely gave him the money back because they just didnt want to
deal with him.

One thing that did come out of this is that everyone knows the email at
least of the person that contracted for services and then decided they
didnt want to pay after the fact, so they can make decisions on whether
or not to conduct business with that person anymore.  I personally
wouldnt want to work with someone who admits that they order service
then dont want to pay for it.  Too much hassle.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast IE +44 28 9099 6461    DE +49 801 777 555 3402
Utrecht NL +31 306 553058      US WA +1 360 207 0479
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