[asterisk-biz] Database of every dial prefix

C. asterisk-biztracking at netsyncro.com
Thu Jun 1 17:23:12 MST 2006

So far I've built my own database of just about every dial prefix, but I 
don't think it's complete and therefore I'm looking to see if anyone has 
one for download, sale or collaboration.  I've appended APNXX with 
international so far and it seems pretty close to 99.9%, but just seeing 
what's out there.  The underlying reason has to do with creating a batch 
processed job to determine the best route by cost/quality before it 
happens.  I've patched LCDial for PostgreSQL if anyone is interested as 
well.  When it's all production ready I'll most likely send any patches 
upstream or simply make available for download.



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