[asterisk-biz] Re: provide asterisk prepaid billing +route solutions

zm yang hfvoip at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Jul 20 06:58:25 MST 2006

  we  install & config the asterisk prepaid solution for you
  and we can also provide asterisk relative support   for you
  we ask for  $1000 USD (including all web  sourcecode + agi sourcecode  ,install,config, + 2 months free tech support )
  now again the asterisk prepaid solution advertisement, since I still don't know how to reply to one single subject
  we improve(should say rewrite completely) astbill to our hfx billing solution, now it has following functions.
Prepaid and postpaid control for accounts
Support IAX/SIP 
Embeded high volume H323/SIP signaling translation 
Group account feature, many accounts can share one billing account
Call transfer to PSTN, if the called UA is unavailable 
Failure route feature,if the first route failed,can retry to the 2nd,3rd,etc
LCR route feature, if you have one more route, the least cost route will be selected first
Customer can dial predefined number(i.e 333) to hear the balance announcement
Most of the time, you don’t need buy codec licenses with our deployment suggestion
Compatible with softphone(sjphone,expresstalk,diaxphone etc)
Backend process ?to calcuate user fee,reseller fee,termination fee
Cdr download via web
Cron job to backup database,process cdr,monitor asterisk
Reseller and customer can login to see his balance,cdr,etc 



4.IP IVR(用于聊天,视频等增殖业务)
1. 软交换虚拟主机业务
2. 主叫叫系统虚拟主机
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