[asterisk-biz] Asterisk VPS

Eric Tichansky asterisk at lylix.net
Sat Jul 8 08:39:19 MST 2006


Our AsterliX (A at H/Trixbox) clone includes 200GB/mo data, which, if my
calculations are correct, under Ulaw codec at approx. 67kbps per call,
could satisfy at least 9 concurrent calls 100% of the time.

This is great for SOHO setups, software development sandboxes, and even
small calling card shops.  The storage is set to 4GB, but what is the
space really needed for?  Mainly custom/call recordings,  CDR,
configuration backups, et. al.

I didn't check the setup fee on the mentioned dedicated boxes, but
consider a company that wants to maintain a system for only a short time
for testing customized Asterisk software.  The end cost for the VPS is
usually much lower and provide a more than adequate environment for
development.  The whole idea is to maximize your investment.  Even if
your paying more per unit of storage/data than a dedicated system, do
you really need the extra?  Its like buying a pair of shoes that are 5
sizes larger because they were "cheaper" than the pair that fits.

Asterisk VPSs do work, and work well.  We have never had a cancellation
or complaint on an Asterisk VPS for any reason, which should support the
argument as far as customer satisfaction.  Sure, there have been
roadbumps, but almost always related to unreliable VOIP providers or
configuration errors.

E. Tichansky

Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
>> Ok JM, cheap with *unlimited* bandwidth. Except
>> a) we all know what unlimited means
>> b) bandwidth is *very* expensive in France so a 30€ offer is more than
>> suspicious.
>> c) Free has been know to die for one or more days at a time.
> As usual, you get what you pay for... still better than a VPS I would
> think :)
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