[asterisk-biz] Asterisk VPS

trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Sat Jul 8 05:06:08 MST 2006

On Sat, 2006-07-08 at 13:44 +0200, Sikaspam wrote:
> Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
> >> Ok JM, cheap with *unlimited* bandwidth. Except
> >>
> >> a) we all know what unlimited means
> >> b) bandwidth is *very* expensive in France so a 30€ offer is more than
> >> suspicious.
> >> c) Free has been know to die for one or more days at a time.
> >>  
> >>
> > As usual, you get what you pay for... still better than a VPS I would 
> > think :)
> Better than VPS?  I don't believe so. But the idea of "unlimited
> bandwidth" in conjunction with voip is dangerous. the unlmimited part
> means you're shring with whoever else is on the same pipe. For 30€ a
> month no one can give that much bandwidth to several voip users.

It depends, there is a qualifier that is missing here, how fast is your
connection.   I have seen many providers in various geographic locations
say 'unlimited bandwidth' which is generally true given they also say
'rate limited to XXX speed'.  They can easily offer quality, uptime, and
that much bandwidth for whatever price has been offered.

They do this to say that there arent any caps or overage fees if you peg
your circuit each month.  They dont however give you a gigabit

Without this peice of information comments about how its
impossible/possible or quality or not based solely on price and that
marketing vehicle are moot.  

And its more dangerous to assume you have a certain speed connection
with VoIP than it is to rely on 'unlimited bandwidth' providers.  :)

> It's very easy to have a bunch of web servers since few sites get major
> activity. They just throttle it to a certain limit (ohhh I said the
> word) and when there are a lot of downloads, each stream gets less bw.
> Now with voip each channel would get reduced bw and then where would
> your caller be? :)

Yes that is easy to do, however that isnt how all of the ones I have
seen do it, some rate limit prior to actually needing it, in effect
selling virtual T1s for example (1.5Mbps seems to be popular in North
America for this type of a deal).

And even if they throttle down after the fact as long as you have some
minimum guarantee and realize that if you go over that you are basically
selling bandwidth to your voip customers you dont have then its the voip
resellers fault not the hosting provider.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast IE +44 28 9099 6461    DE +49 801 777 555 3402
Utrecht NL +31 306 553058      US WA +1 360 207 0479
US NY +1 516 687 5200          FreeWorldDialup: 635378
http://www.trxtel.com the VoIP provider that pays you!
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