[asterisk-biz] RE: Bottom end of the market for an Asterisk PBX ?

shadowym shadowym at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 6 13:24:57 MST 2006

While * may not be low end, * on a Dell Dimension or (insert your favorite
budget PC here) with X100P cards or cheap ATA's or cheap ? Using Grandstream
phones or (insert your favorite budget SIP phone here) certainly is low end.

There are MANY people on this list doing exactly that!  That is what is
perpetuating the image of low quality, not the software itself.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Lopez [mailto:Alex.Lopez at OpSys.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 6:23 AM
> To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
> Subject: RE: [asterisk-biz] RE: Bottom end of the market for 
> an Asterisk PBX ?
> Snip.
> > * is not low-end, in fact for our purposes, it is likely the
> highest-end
> > product that we found.  People have to stop confusing 
> open-source with 
> > low quality.  Do you consider Firefox a low-end browser?
> > 
> > W
> Or Linux a low-end OS?, Open-Source is a toolkit, once in a 
> while you are able to find a well-made multi-function tool, 
> but if you realize that while you may not have the exact tool 
> you need, you have all the raw materials and full run and 
> access to the machine shop. 
> On a downside your machine shop tends to reconfigure itself 
> every once in a while, as others come in and add/change the 
> tools!! But unlike closed-source options at least you can see 
> the changes!

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