[asterisk-biz] The Value of VoIP subscribers

Ron Arts ron.arts at neonova.nl
Sun Feb 19 06:47:46 MST 2006

CC Asterisk wrote:
> Well basically we have a small service company with about 3200 subs. We 
> are exploring the possibility of selling it to an ITSP. My main question 
> was beyond the formulas - is there some kind of accepted valuation in 
> the VoIP industry.
> Our churn in the last 2 years has been about  0.8% a month. We work in a 
> specific niche and have been growing nicely there.
> Does that help?
> Mark

I can offer you a more traditional way of looking at it:
suppose I buy your company. I do that because I want to make money.
When? Well many people say after 3-4 years. Suppose you have a yearly
profit of $200000. If I want to make money after 4 years I would
not pay more then $800000 for your company.

Figures are just examples, and I know there are more things to consider
like growth potential, intrinsic value etc, and this may not be applicable
in new and fast growing industries, but try to think like a potential buyer,
and try to find the buyer that sees the most value in your company.

Basically value is in the eye of the buyer.

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