[asterisk-biz] December Specials

Dovid Bender asterisk at dovid.net
Tue Dec 12 04:09:19 MST 2006

> I am using TB and selling DID's, VoiceMail Boxes. TF DID's, CLEC and
> other services.
> And Run over 4,000,000 Mins per month over 18 trunks with TB
> So Mike where would you like to put your foot now? :-!
> Like I said TB is Asterisk with a GUI
> Yes, SellVoip has mistake's and they need to resolve. Like keeping there
> word to there customers not playing scam that they are a BIG player in 
> VoIP.
> Best regards,

No offense to you but I dont see TB as a good install for any "real 
enviroment". As much as you say you know asterisk you don't (not to be taken 
lit.). It's like taking a young child and gving him a wheel chair and 
letting the kid get around in it. Sure he see's people walking around and he 
has tried it before but why walk if he can scoot around. The problem is that 
he will never learn the things he can do with walking that you cant do with 
a chair. TB is good, it helps people learn asterisk. IMHO it's a crutch. 
When the shit hits the fan it will be a lot harder for you to fix it then 
for some one that say built asterisk themselves from the ground up.

This is just my 2c. 

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