[asterisk-biz] ITU - Amazing Finds

Rehan Allah Wala rehan at supertec.com
Sat Dec 9 22:25:48 MST 2006

Dear All,

I was at the ITU Telecom Expo in Hong Kong, and I found this great product


Install this on all your pc's with a wifi on it.

It will convert your entire network into a mesh, and all pc's will become  re-broadcaster of the 
signal, and you will never have a singnal range problem ever again and network cant go 
down as every pc is connected to each other via a mesh.

It is a free software, and empowers us to do only more.

I have no association with this company, I just loved the product a lot, and wish them the 



Super Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida
http://www.SuperTec.com - Technologies from tomorrow, Today!

MSN: Rehan at Rehan.com
Skype: Rehan33

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you 
win." By Mahatma Gandhi.

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