[Asterisk-biz] VOIP Supply

Brian Roy mister.roy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 04:19:23 MST 2005

On 9/11/05, Dovid B <Asterisk at dovid.net> wrote: 
>  Has anyone else had problems with them ? They seem to be pretty reputable 
> yet this is the second time they did it to me. 
  Can't say it's ever happened to me with VoipSupply. Not to say that it 
won't. It's happened to me with Dell, CDW, Ingram Micro, etc.... It happens 
to everyone.
 I have put in the special instructions before "Please notify me if this 
will not make it by Month(Day)". Also request that they immediately provide 
you with a tracking number.
 I'm sure this is another one of those threads where Garrett jumps in and 
makes a public apology. Maybe even gives the Asterisk community a 10% 
discount? (hint hint).
 Bottom line, they are a young (relatively) company, going through a huge 
growth spurt. There will be kinks along the way and you got to feel it first 
hand. I've had angry customers, so I know it doesn't make it better, but 
VoipSupply is the all around best dealer for the Asterisk Community. They 
actively participate here.
 my ,02 
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