[Asterisk-biz] DIDX.org responds...

Paul digium-list at 9ux.com
Wed Nov 30 16:16:43 MST 2005

Muneeb Iqbal wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> Thanks for Correcting.
> Mr Martin WAS refunded the full amount.
> Question: What is the QoS on the service since DIDX manages the
> exchange but does not own the DID's?
> Answer: Each DID is tested before being added on the network. If the
> DID does not work any day, the failure is logged. You the Buyer and
> the Seller receive an email of this matter. If this occurs 3 days in a
> row, we will not pay the Seller because of the outage for that
> duration. We will not charge you for that month.
You need to have an automated tester that will check a DID when the
buyer requests testing via the web portal. Make sure sellers know about
it and you will eliminate the worst vendors. A daily check won't catch
some of the problems I have experienced with providers. I need a tool
that confirms it is down when I say it is down. If it is down, it needs
to be retested at some interval in order to measure the QOS.

> Question: Can I Check the DID before I buy it ?
> Answer: You can check each DID for 36 hours. If you don't like it, you
> remove it before the 36 hours ends. You will get an instant refund. 36
> hrs after the sale, the sale is final.
Unfortunately, the refund policies you have are not realistic for
unsigned credit card, e-check, ACH and paypal transactions. If I had a
statement like that online when applying for my merchant account it
would never have been approved. What makes sense to you and me(if I were
a customer) does not satisfy the banks.

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