[Asterisk-biz] some things that really suck in customer support

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sun Nov 6 22:00:29 MST 2005

> Steve Totaro wrote:
> >back and identify the acutal problem?  If they customer infact needs
> >for asterisk in general, then if you are any kind of salesperson, you
have a
> >new sale!  Otherwise it is a config issue and can be fixed quickly.
> >business/sales practice isn't it?
> >
> Not when it takes 30-45 minutes per caller or longer if there is any
> sort of language/accent difficulties.  Multiply that times 20,000+
> customers and you tell me how many man hours that would take, per day.
Automated website that generates configs might help there.  Anyways, 30-40
min is nothing in a typical sales process.
> Then go ahead and tell me how many salespeople do you know that can
> really deal with Asterisk specific systems/configurations?

Simple agent scripts could quickly determine escalation.  Stop thinking bush
league and maybe you can play in the majors one day.

> >You have plenty of time to monitor the lists, why not take some of that
time and help people so they don't have to
> >resort to posting how bad your company is.
> >
> So you say I should be working on a Sunday evening?  I don't even think
> the communists are that demanding.
You are working to defend your lousy customer service on a Sunday.  An ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Gaining a new customer is alot
harder than keeping an existing one.  Guess these are business lessons that
you have never learned.
> >If it were one or two complaints
> >here and there, that one thing.  It is a steady flow of complaints on
> >list.  Anyone with a "clue" might start thinking, "HMMM maybe its not the
> >customer, maybe it is me?"
> >

No reply to that one I guess, maybe it will sink in.

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