[Asterisk-biz] A question about ethics, I suppose

steve szmidt steve at szmidt.org
Mon May 23 18:17:33 MST 2005

On Monday 23 May 2005 20:26, JD Austin wrote:
> Michael Giagnocavo wrote:
> >>I ask for 50% of labor and 100% of
> >>hardware costs and with a few bad jobs think that this is a safe way
> >>of weeding them out.
> That is a very good idea.
> >Even better is leaving a "secret" backdoor, that they AGREE to. Sure, if
> >they hire good enough people they can disable it. But at least it gives
> > you some level of security.
> I'd never thought of doing something like that (grin)  I've always
> thought of backdoors/etc as unethical, but I suppose if the client
> agrees to the back door it's ok.

Unethical my foot! It's your software until they pay for it. It's not even 
underhanded to not tell them. Though I prefer to help them stay honest by 
informing them of the module. 

If you have a "reset me or I die" module to make sure you get paid, you are 
only being unethical if you get paid and don't deliver. You're a fool if you 
don't ensure they meet their end of the deal too.

> I recently had to take a client for a programming project to court for
> non payment.  Time will tell how it turns out, but I do know that I'll
> never work on a project again without a firm specification and firm
> understanding with the client about how payment will work.

Yes, fully documented specifications are crucial.


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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