[Asterisk-biz] Criminal Liability (I know there are attorneys on this list)

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Thu May 12 22:51:16 MST 2005

Michael Welter wrote:

> First:  I am not casting dispersions upon anyone on this list.  
> However, I have a what-if question based on queries I have received 
> off-list during the past month:
> Premise:
> .  I facilitate a call center from the U.S.,
> .  the call center is located offshore in, say, the Philippines,
> .  the "agents" at the call center are children (aka "the girls"), and
> .  the call center is a phone sex operation.

This has /bloody/ nothing to do with Asterisk.

I suggest that you ask a competent Lawyer.

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