[Asterisk-biz] Re: 911 Thread

Howard White howwhi at usit.net
Sun May 8 07:25:49 MST 2005

At the risk of extending a thread that has served its important life,
please consider that the issue of 911 is political and financial.
Consider 911, from the perspective of FCC and other bodies, as their
ticket to existence.

The internet and VoIP are disruptive technologies and social phenomena.
They shall change the political balance of power amongst a group of
wannabes and potentates.  The states want sources of tax revenue and
control.  The FCC wishes to maintain a role where one might not exist if
the internet were to eliminate broadcast communications (their original

We lose as providers and customers regardless.  Involving elected people
such as Congress-people only makes it worse.  They only wish to buy
votes with your tax dollars.

Education is the best tool but be prepared to be outspent by those
interests (RBOCS) who already have the ears and pockets of those in

Happy Mother's day  :/

Howard White
president - VCCH, Inc.

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