[Asterisk-biz] LiveVoip heads up

Moody asterisk.user at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 18:51:02 MST 2005

Disclaimer: This information has not been confirmed but was emailed to
me from sales at livevoip.com when I asked about Canadian 1-800 pricing
for my tollfree number I have with them.

To all you clients using toll free service from Livevoip it looks like
they will be doing a "number swap" tomorrow (Friday) in order to "to
provide a uniform carrier base where LNP on 800 numbers works
everytime." The information I have doesn't seem to indicate that it
will affect all numbers, but my 1-888 seems to be one of them.

I can't find any further details on this, all I can say is I'm happy
my number isn''t actively marketed or I would be a little upset. In
addition I understand there will be a price increase for calls from
Canada (on the tollfree) as well.

At the same time, I am looking for reasonable 1-800 rates for calls
from Canada. I don't mind paying more for quality but under .05/min is
my goal.



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