[Asterisk-biz] Call Market update & DIDs

Alistair Cunningham acunningham at integrics.com
Mon Mar 7 04:21:51 MST 2005


Call Market 0.4 has been up for a week now. It's pretty stable, and I've 
started work on 0.5. Uploads of terminations have been switched on. It's 
running at 10 to 20 searches per day, but only one or two real vendors. 
If you want to get in ahead of the crowd, now is the time to start 
adding your terminations. I can't guarantee 100% stability before 
version 1.0, but it should be reasonably good from now on. For those who 
missed the earlier conversations, the URL is:


For 0.5 I'd like to list DIDs as well as terminations. However, I'm not 
sure how these are normally billed. Per number? Per minute? Both? Flat 
monthly fees? Are there minimum numbers or minutes?

As always, I welcome you feedback and suggestions.

Alistair Cunningham,
Integrics Ltd,
Telephony, Database, Unix consulting worldwide
+44 (0)7870 699 479

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