[Asterisk-biz] Talking of PoE ...

Jerry Jones jjones at danrj.com
Wed Jul 13 12:31:34 MST 2005

>     After my initial experience, my confidence in that switch was  
> shaken. Even with the "couple things" that you note, you have to  
> wonder what else is buggy on a product with such obvious bugs.  I  
> want my switches to be ROCK SOLID, when I have to diagnose network  
> issues, I don't want to add "Is the XYZ feature on the FSM7326P  
> broken like everything else?" to the mix...

I will agree with you on this. However, would you please point me to  
any switch which has NO bugs in it, I am still looking:) Even high  
end carrier switches or Ciscos, or ??? have some 'undocumented  
fetures'. I have found that buying gear with a feature set and price  
point I can use, which has decent support, then getting to know the  
equiment, has been a workable approach for me.

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