[Asterisk-biz] Call termination database 0.2

Alistair Cunningham acunningham at integrics.com
Sun Feb 20 15:56:43 MST 2005


PostgreSQL. I had planned to make the entries provided by vendors the 
regular expressions, not the searches. Non-obvious I know, but it does 
make it easier to specify multiple area codes in a pattern. The SQL in 
question is:

select * from terminations where '$search' ~ ( '^' || pattern );

However, I'm liking more and more the idea of many to one patterns to 
offerings, which I'll address in another email.

Alistair Cunningham,
Integrics Ltd,
Telephony, Database, Unix consulting worldwide
+44 (0)7870 699 479

Michael Welter wrote:
> Alistair Cunningham wrote:
>> Kevin & Duane,
>> Okay, you've persuaded me that patterns need to be more flexible. I'll 
>> see if I can make them regular expressions, so you can do things like:
>> 61[0-36-9]
>> 61[^45]
>> There's no way this is going to work with sub range matches, so that 
>> functionality is going to have to go. This means that if you search 
>> for  44, a pattern of 4420 isn't going to be found. Which is more 
>> important to everyone?
> No, we would search for 44.* (or 44% for Sybase).  Which DBMS are you 
> using?
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