[Asterisk-biz] SIP and IAX Trunks with QoS

alex at pilosoft.com alex at pilosoft.com
Fri Dec 23 13:42:39 MST 2005

On Fri, 23 Dec 2005, Michael Young wrote:

> The focus of NetLogic in the past year has been providing SIP and IAX
> trunks with QoS enabled. Now that we are expanding our network
> nationally, we're starting to put white papers and various related info
> on our web site, and most of that should be available after the 1st of
> the year. In the meantime, here is one white paper that discusses (at a
> high level) why you would want QoS enabled services and how NetLogic
> provides it. I'd be interested in feedback from the list before we go
> make this document public.
Generally, this makes sense. However, regarding the "MPLS Connections to
Termination Providers" part:

a) you seem to be drinking too much of MPLS koolaid. MPLS does not
guarantee you QoS. You are far better off with real transport (and I mean,
TDM transport - it is far harder for a carrier to screw around with TDM
transport, running it through non-TDM equipment, than to sell you a
"inter-city ethernet" which is, in fact, just ethernet MPLS transported on
their IP network). 

b) You point out that there are at most two router hops on your network, 
as if it was a good thing. It isn't. Number of router hops has nothing to 
do with performance.

c) You talk about QoS. I don't care about QoS. Give me TDM any day. :)

d) You mention L3 and MCI. Have they already agreed to do business through 
your transport ports?

Other than that, we do the same thing (only local to new york - not
looking to expand anywhere else). I simply do not think there's any value
in running a nationwide network just to sell service like that. Extranets
are so 1995. :)

Alex Pilosov    | DSL, Colocation, Hosting Services
President       | alex at pilosoft.com    877-PILOSOFT x601
Pilosoft, Inc.  | http://www.pilosoft.com

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