[Asterisk-biz] Israel to block International VoIP calls?

Steve Kennedy steve-asterisk at gbnet.net
Fri Dec 16 08:33:17 MST 2005

On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 10:27:22AM -0500, C F wrote:

> The point, I was very surprised to see that Israel has such laws that
> still gives Bezek the control to stay the monopoly. But they do, it is
> illegal in Israel to open a VoIP company like what we can do here
> (which is getting harder here as well because of the 911 requirments).
>  Unless you have a license as a phone company.

Why is that so odd? The UK only deregulated voice a couple of years ago
as part of an EU directive. Previously any one offering voice services
had to have a telco license, now anybody can be a telco (but they have
obligations under the Communications Act, which many are not aware of or
maybe ignore).

It takes a while for countries to demonopolise state companies (I don't
think the French gov has divested all of FT yet) ... Israel will get

Also once you let phone calls out into the wild, you cant tap them and
governments may have a vested interest to do so.


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