[Asterisk-biz] Press Release: StanaPhone is No Longer an Interconnected VoIP Provider?

Paul digium-list at 9ux.com
Thu Dec 1 07:54:04 MST 2005

Lenz wrote:

> That's what I meant: if a foreign country sells USA termination to 
> domestic (non-USA) users, do they have to provide e911 services too?
> And  if they sell them to USA citizens too?
> l.
When you sell to non-US users you have to consider the laws of your
country and your customer's country.

If you sell to US residents(citizens is not the determining factor) you
need to determine if the FCC even has jurisdiction. Suppose I send my
termination to a non-US IP. The FCC might have jurisdiction over me for
doing that but likely has no jurisdiction over the non-US vendor I am
using. However, if you have an agent or office here in the US that might
give federal and state government here jurisdiction.

> On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 13:59:19 +0100, Paul <digium-list at 9ux.com> wrote:
>> Non-local DID's have been available in the USA for years now. It's
>> termination service that is used to reach emergency dispatchers.
>> Lenz wrote:
>>> I believe this is a way to circumvent FCC, so they may not like it.
>>> Maybe  a US lawyer could give a better overview of the matter. I
>>> wonder if this  applies to foeign companies too when selling USA DIDs?
>>> l.
>>> On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 02:30:33 +0100, Rehan AllahWala
>>> <rehan at supertec.com>  wrote:
>>>> Question:
>>>> If one does this, so he does not have to offer 911 ?

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