[Asterisk-biz] DID for New Zealand

Craig asterisk at nihost.net
Sun Aug 21 13:34:51 MST 2005

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 23:51:28 +1000
From: Shamsul Arefin <saktek at gmail.com>
Subject: [Asterisk-biz] DID for New Zealand
To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
	<asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
Message-ID: <d99fc8ce05081906511ab36ac6 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi we are looking for DIDs for major cities of New Zealand. 
Best Regards
Shamsul Arefin
Saktek , 
Broadband Telephony experts

There are 3 providers of Did's that I have been able to unearth, all
only provide Did's at this time in Auckland afaik.

I have recently set up and use the first two and both seem reliable and
good quality, the third I have not tried (but have no reason to doubt
that they are able to provide a quality service as well but they do not
offer G729, they do offer ilbc and I didn't want to be transcoding
between multiple codecs as my calls are often switched through more than
1 asterisk server and I use g729 everywhere else in the network).

http://www.linuxservices.co.nz/  (uses Asterisk, can provide sip or Iax)

italk, not quite sure what they use, offering Sip

http://www.sipserve.co.nz/  (uses Asterisk, can provide sip or Iax)


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