[Asterisk-biz] Appeal of FCC 911 Order

Mojo Jojo mylist at lightwavetech.com
Wed Aug 17 00:39:36 MST 2005

Our sole
advantage is that we are cheaper since we do not have to pay into these

I disagree with this.. I for one think we have MANY advantages.. Features, 
we are smaller and can move new and better services to market faster. I 
could go one but I think that the idea that the only thing VOIP and Asterisk 
has on it's side is price, is a big mistake. Hell, if that's the case then I 
think Vonage has already squashed us all... If one is to make it in this new 
and crazy frontier, it can't be just about the price.

We compete against ilec, clec, wireless and are not obligated to contribute 
to funds or invest into any infrastructure.

Yes but ultimately our calls end up on the PSTN and somewhere we end up 
paying ALL of the people you mention, the ILECS, CLECS and so on. I don't 
see how we are parasites.. Maybe some will see us this way but I certainly 

Besides, I think the HUGE problem here is that people were pissed that VOIP 
companies were implying that they were just like TDM and claimed to offer 
real 911 service which was clearly not the case.

The FCC should not have stepped in and tried to make VOIP something it's not 
(reliable for 911), instead they should have (if anything) stepped up and 
made it illegal to imply that VOIP is the same as PSTN and that VOIP 911 is 
the same as real 911.

I for one think it's just as bad for the FCC to force VOIP providers to 
offer 911 on a technology that is NOT near as reliable as TDM!!!

Certain VOIP companies are being sued because they mislead folks into 
thinking they had real 911 when they didn't.


Dear FCC, you can't make a Rock into a Pineapple! The rock will always be a 
rock, never a Pineapple.. Now you can call it a Pineapple and force everyone 
else to call it a Pineapple if that makes you feel better but it will always 
be a freakin' pineapple..

Bad analogy I guess..

Point is, they can force all VOIP providers to provide 911 but by the very 
nature of VOIP it will NEVER be as reliable as 911 is over the TDM.. Peoples 
home networks, routers and internet providers and well ummmmm, the INTERNET 
are in the middle.. So, this is the problem..

Basically the FCC is going to force all VOIP providers to make their 
customers feel like it's OK to pick up their VOIP phone in an emergency and 
call 911. It might work but it might not.. Sure hope Dad wasn't tinkering 
with the Linksys earlier that day. Damn, hope the crappy ILEC DSL isn't down 
again.. Or, ouch that firmware upgrade on the ATA went bad, guess I am 
getting robbed and shot now. It's just plain stupid!!

Sorry for the rant..


Start Your Own Internet Service!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Senad J" <senad at bicom.us>
To: "Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion" 
<asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-biz] Appeal of FCC 911 Order

>>> We have appealed the FCC's 911 Order in the hopes of getting it set
>>> aside.  I thought some of you might be interested.
>>> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1035_22-5833912.html
> I do not think that it will matter much. Congress is going into recess and
> they have not said a word about it. By the time he gets his appeal in, the
> deadline will have passed. The item to note is that cell phone companies 
> had
> to pay billions for license to operate and build their networks. The voip
> industry has not. We compete against ilec, clec, wireless and are not
> obligated to contribute to funds or invest into any infrastructure. Our 
> sole
> advantage is that we are cheaper since we do not have to pay into these
> funds. I guess we can at least invest into insuring our customers can get
> basic emergency services. If we do not show any responsibility in this
> matter, we will be considered a parasite on the network and allowed to 
> die.
> There are many political lobbies talking to congress that represent the
> about industries. We must be careful since we could not win a battle with
> these people.
> Joe Poplowski and Senad Jordanovic
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