[Asterisk-biz] Small Route to Reunion Island

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Sun Apr 24 00:00:39 MST 2005

Hi List,

I live in Reunion Island. I have a spare 256kb/s internet connection, a 
spare Asterisk server with a TDM400P card (4 channels FXO), and a couple 
of spare PSTN lines. I could add 2 PSTN lines quite easily.

If you're interested, I could quickly set up a small, inexpensive route 
to Reunion Island FIX (SIP + g.729a) which could complement nicely an 
existing, more expensive route to this destination.

This route would be dedicated to your organization.

For the billing, you can buy monthly 200 hours (12000 minutes) "chunks" 
for 500€. Within the 200 hour chunk, billing is 1/1. So that's 0.042 € / 
mn, which slightly less than 6 cents USD at the time of this writing.

FYI only, tariffs to Reunion FIX:

NuFone: 0.2104
LiveVoIP: 0.0896
VoIPJet: 0.0778
Ykoz, "Me" =~ 0.06 USD @ current exchange rate

Of course the billing terms aren't the same, so the comparison is a bit 

Let me know what you think. <mailto:jhiver at ykoz.net>

Best Regards,
Jean-Michel Hiver.

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